Welcome to the online home of the Polish Catholic Mission (PCM) in Memphis, TN.
Under the shepherdship of our two local Polish priests, we are able to celebrate our Catholic faith in our native
language. Celebrating mass in Polish, having priests to whom we can confess in our native language, and having a Pastor who understands our
background and can guide and counsel us makes the experience so much better.
Since our primary pastor, Fr. Robert Szczechura, is the Parish Priest of The Church of The
Nativity in Bartlett, this is where we hold our regular Polish masses once a month.
Especially during busy times like Christmas and Easter, the location of activities varies depending on the schedules of the priests and the facilities.
So, it is best to refer to our website for the latest scheduling information. The date and location of our next event is scrolling across the screen above.
You can also sign up for e-mail notification of upcoming public events by subscribing to our e-mail mailing list on the Contact Us page.
Churches of Interest in the Memphis Diocese:
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